Marie-Dolma Chophel

Marie-Dolma Chophel

Born 1984 in France. Moved in 2012 from France to the USA. Lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.

Education: 2008-2009 Post-graduate year, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris, Paris, FR. 2003-2008 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-arts de Paris (ENSBA), in Jean-Michel Alberola’s studio, Paris, FR. DNAP (National Diploma in Plastic Arts) Bachelor Degree in Art in 2006. DNSAP (Diploma National Supérieur d’Arts Plastiques) Masters Degree in Art in 2008.

Framed lithographs numbered and signed by the artist

Éditions Petit is a series of original lithographs in smaller formats, all printed in small editions at our lithographic workshop in Paris.
Our handmade frame is some of the finest craftsmanship you can find. The materials are carefully selected and composed so that it highlights the lithograph in the best way. The frame is made of solid linden wood with ebony inlays. The glass strip is in solid oak.
All lithographs are framed with white passepartout of acid-free paper.
The format of the frame is 32×39 cm – the format of the lithograph is 20×27 cm. Read more about the series here …